In high school, student advocacy plays a crucial role in amplifying student viewpoints and driving positive change within the education system. By advocating their needs and concerns, students foster a culture of inclusivity, equity, and empowerment, shaping a more responsive and supportive learning environment for all. This is why Mrs. Brown decided to form Bear Voices in the 2021 school year.
“I felt like some students’ voices were not being represented in some other organizations in Oakdale High School,” explained Mrs. Brown. “I wanted to create a space for them to feel safe and heard.”
Bear Voices has 50 members this year, and has been involved in organizing many events and activities around Oakdale. They have been responsible for Oakdale’s Main Street Manias every few months that include therapy dogs, bracelet making, music and more.
Bear Voices is also responsible for the positive messages sticky notes posted around the school. Members of the group use their SET time to work on these notes and post them around the school. Video advertisements made by Bear Voices are also frequently featured on Oakdale’s announcements.
The members of Bear Voices have met with different administrations, like the principal, Mr. Bill Caulfield. With help, the students were able to come up with core values of the club and intentions to create a safer and more inclusive space in Oakdale for the entire student body. The values and norms that were created have since been implemented into our SEL lessons.
Bear Voice officers have recently been occupied with planning for the ’24-’25 school year. “We’re working on some fundraising ideas, to keep the community fun and engaged next year,” shares Bear Voices President Chase Eder. The officers are working towards more involvement in both the club and across the student body. Upcoming events hosted by Bear Voices will be things ‘everyone wants to attend!’
Recently, Bear Voices has had their officer elections, where each officer was able to express their future plans for the club. They explained how they are going to implement more engaging activities in the coming school year, but also ways to express the issues that Oakdale students feel passionately about. Encouragement of inclusion to every member was a big component talked about at this recent meeting.
As Bear Voices continues to thrive, its purpose is never lost with the members. Bear Voices is representative of the students of Oakdale and serves as a space for meaningful dialogue and community engagement. The club ensures that student perspectives are not only heard, but also integral to shaping the evolving landscape of education.