Call Of Duty WWII, Is This The Best One Yet?

December 7, 2017
On November 3rd the newest Call of Duty (COD) was released, Call of Duty: WWII. The newest version goes back to the beloved and wanted Boots on the Ground kind of action that COD has been known for up until recently with their other versions, COD: Advanced Warfare that was the first to implement the exo suit; then, COD: Black Ops III and COD: Infinite Warfare deemed the worst Call of Duty to date by players.Thanks to this new installation to the Call of Duty franchise the future looks bright for the next title to come.
By the time November 8th rolled around, COD: WW2 has sold about 1.8 million copies of the game grossing $500 million. This is no surprise as it is one of the most anticipated Call of Duty games up to date.
What does the game owe its success to? For one, the time period in which the game is set; Sledgehammer games, the developer, has given a beautiful game set in the gore, turmoil, traumatizing and disturbing scenes of WW2. Senior Robert Koehler was excited for the game to come out adding, “Yes, because I liked the trailer and CODWAW (Call of Duty World at War) was good so I was hoping this would be good as well.”
More reasons why this game has been received so well is that it actually presents a challenge. Other Call of Duty’s were also challenging but not near as much as this one. In terms of time to kill ratio, in some aspects it is slow and then it is fast. This game varies it so much that the player may die unexpectedly too, whether it is a grenade or a bullet.
Sniper gameplay in WWII is so much more fun than the previous titles, allowing the player to get much more clean shots and making it more realistic to how quick you can down someone. Quickscoping is still apart of that gameplay but made much harder to do due to how hard it can be to hit if you don’t have a clean shot
WWII has many additions that make it a quality game, including new divisions with specific perks connected to them. For example the AIrborne division, mre centered around SMGs, gives you a perk to add a suppressor to your weapon or Infantry gives you an added bayonet to your assault rifle.
Some of the drawbacks upon release was server issues and connectivity on console releases. In some ways it is annoying, due to the fact that every previous COD has had the same problems, and you would imagine they could find a way to avoid it. But other ways it’s an understandable problem because with all the release day purchases and downloads, with people not wanting to play the campaign and just going straight into online play. And when Senior Connor Garrison was asked his main critization of the game Garrison stated “that the campaign was pretty lackluster”
Fellow journalist and co-author of this article, Brenan Capicchioni had something to say about what WWII has done to the franchise, “It has brought a new light to COD and what the developers can do for the franchise in years to come”. I also had something to say, “Well it looks like a completely new franchise, I love it. It may take awhile to rank up and prestige but it well worth it.” WWII has become something completely new, and it been a greatly received game; and I see great things to come in the game for the next year.