Oakdale has many opportunities for student leadership and getting involved. A senior, Jocelynn Todd, took advantage of these opportunities and helped create the Art Club. Todd came up with the idea in 2020, and the club has continued since.
Art teacher, Maggie George, became the club’s advisor after Todd discussed her interest in art. She added, “We just started talking about it and decided to make it a thing.”
However, she mentioned that a lot of responsibilities come along with leading the club. “Coming up with project ideas and collecting materials” is Todd’s biggest challenge. “I did not have a lot of room in my schedule to do more art classes, I really enjoy art so Ms.George and I were talking about how we should have an art club.”
She voiced ¨and it is something everyone can do and be good at. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at reading or writing or math or any of these things, you can do art and be successful.¨
Todd also balances the responsibilities of being Vice President of the National Honors Society (NHS) and an active member of the Bear Voices club. Additionally she plays soccer, works at TJ-Max, and teaches at her Church.
“There are a lot of responsibilities, mainly coming up with project ideas. I really enjoy it. Everything that we used for your projects needs to be donated, so right now a big task for mine is doing a fundraiser for the Art Club to get new and used art supplies,” Todd mentioned.
A lot of other students really enjoy the art club. George stated that Todd is fantastic, “If I need her to create a worksheet or a slideshow, she is the person that frees information at than she like we gonna funnel this down.¨
Todd is one of a few students who take adventices of the opportunities here at Oakdale by making a club and leading it to make everyone feel welcomed and bring about more ideas.