FCA Has Returned
October 23, 2018
FCA, also known as Fellowship of Christian Athletes, is a club at Oakdale High School run by Mr. Mike Gough and Mr. Mark Widmeyer. FCA is an international non-profit organization meant to bring faith and athletics together.
FCA was founded in 1954 by the Eastern Oklahoma A&M basketball coach, Don McClanen. There was lots of support from professional athletes including Branch Ricky, Otto Graham, Carl Erskin, and Don Moomaw. Now FCA has more the 450 U.S. offices and is in 62 countries.
Junior Andrew Hicks, a returning member, explained, “We play a game at the beginning and then we read the Bible and pray and do other group activities.”
Hicks stated, “I decided to return because I had an enjoyable time learning about Jesus with my friends.”
Sophomore Aiden Demma said the reason he joined was “To be more involved in my school and with my classmates.”
He also stated, “It’s not for only athletes or christians, people of other religions can join”.
NFL quarterback of the Denver Broncos, Case Keenum was a part of FCA as a kid, he stated about the chaplin, Mikado Hinson: “Mikado helped me be a better believer and have a stronger faith. It’s a lesson I continually learn when my flesh tries to fall back on old thoughts and feelings I have, but I’ve learned when things are going well, and things going bad, keep my eyes on Jesus.” (https://www.fca.org/in-action/2018/09/04/passing-it-on)
FCA follows their Four C’s of ministry rule: Coaches, campus, camp, and community. Coaches help and lead the kids, campus is the school the activities are at, camp are out of school activities, and community are the people that help the club.
Demma also stated, “I think it will be enjoyable because there are Bible verses and games.”
Hicks expressed, “I feel like it helps a lot of people with a place to go and talk about the Bible and learn more.”
At Oakdale High School FCA meets at the same time as other clubs, during SET on Friday. The club meets in the gym, on the first meeting they already started with readings and games, like ring toss, they also they plan to help donate to charities throughout the year.