Oakdale High School is home to many clubs that help students with their creativity whether it’s by art, reading, or by trying new things and expanding on skills they already have. One of these many clubs is the Dungeons & Dragons club. D&D is a tabletop role playing game that is played by using the imagination and rolling the iconic 20 sided dice. The D&D club was created about three years ago and has grown every year since
Mr. Adam Corpora is the creator of the D&D club. He organized it because many OHS students wanted to learn and play D&D. He said, “I knew that there were a lot of students that wanted to play D&D and several of them came up to me to ask if there would be a club and were very excited that we were doing it.”
He has been giving the people of the D&D club the resources to play and enjoy D&D, in a way they wouldn’t be able to do on their own. The club is home to a very diverse group of people from different backgrounds, different households, religions.
The D&D club meets after school from 2:15 to 4:00 in Mr. Corpora’s room in A206 . When the club starts, students will break into groups and begin playing their campaigns. When in these campaigns, members are in a fantasy story with dragons, wizards, and owlbears. Campaigns could last up to a year or they could play different ones everyday. Many people play D&D to have an escape from reality and to work on improving and expanding their creativity skills.
The D&D club is a great place to chill and make friends after school. Quinn Andrade, a senior, has been a member of the D&D club for two years. Many people joined the club for different reasons. For Quinn, she joined because she “got really lonely over quarantine and found a group that wanted me to play D&D, and I made my first character and fell in love with the game. So I joined the club”. But for many they just needed friends.
Out of all of Oakdale’s clubs, Mr. Corpora’s D&D club is the one club that lets you feel like you’re in a book. If you want to fight a dragon or save a country from disease, D&D is your game. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned veteran or a completely new player, Mr. Corpora and all of the members of the D&D club will welcome you with open arms and show you the ropes of the game.