Homecoming is Back!

Madison Spencer

The Homecoming dance at Oakdale is approaching fast! Homecoming this year is October 20th, from 7 to 10 pm in the cafeteria. The theme this year is the Groovy 60s, and students are greatly anticipating this years dance.


“Homecoming is fun and a great way to bond with your fellow classmates.” Oakdale Junior Sydney Katz exclaimed.


Homecoming includes all grades, allowing the entire student body to join together for a great night. Each grade also elects a homecoming prince and princess, except for the senior class. The senior class votes for a homecoming queen and king. The voting for each grade is available on posters around the school via QR code.


With Homecoming approaching, Homecoming proposals are in full swing. Every year, students find elaborate ways to ask their partner to homecoming, usually using a sign or poster.


Oakdale Freshman, Mackenzie Savage, explains how she felt when her boyfriend asked her at a football game: “I was so excited when I came to the student section and saw him with a sign asking me! It was a very exciting moment I will remember forever!”


This year, the rule among the senior class is girls asks boys, flipping the usual role and rules of asking.


The homecoming game is at OHS against TJHS, and the energy is going to be electric. The week before will consist of spirit week and the pep rally, creating a great week. The spirit week this year consists of America day, Tourist day, Way Back Hippie Wednesday, Country vs Country Club, and Class Colors.


“I always have such great time with the buds, I am excited to celebrate my last homecoming.” Matt Hillmuth, a senior at Oakdale states. All students at Oakdale love to get together every year to have a great, safe night.


Tickets will be sold during lunch shifts October 14th to October 19th and they are twenty dollars each. Permission slips are outside Ms. Mulcahy’s room, and students are required to bring when purchasing a ticket. If you have a financial obligation, be sure to get it cleared. It is first come first serve, so make sure to get your ticket!