NFL Game Pass Free for all


NFL Game Pass is free for everyone currently. 

Brendan Ricucci

COVID- 19 is a stressful time for our world, many people are losing jobs and are worried about becoming very ill from this disease. Ever since the coronavirus outbreak took over the country, sports have been delayed until further notice. Fans have reached an all time low with nothing to watch. The NFL is doing the best they can to help by making NFL Game Pass Free for everyone. 


NFL Game Pass allows an individual to have a selection of old NFL games they can watch. It doesn’t sound too exciting watching games that already took place but something beats nothing. 


Junior Will Boughn talked about when he became aware of Game Pass being free: “I found out the first day it became free, all I watch is sports so I was excited over this opportunity.” 


Boughn also mentioned what games he’s watched so far, “Everything Ravens, the first game I watched was the 2012 Super Bowl when we took down the 49ers.”


Since sports have an uncertain future right now, sports fans like Boughn are reliving their teams greatest moments of the past. For teams who haven’t had any recent success, this is a great way for fans to relive their teams golden years of their franchise. 


Senior and Steelers fan Patrick Thomas went into detail on how he’s been using the app, “The Steelers haven’t made the playoffs in a few years and Big Ben’s career is almost over, with Game Pass I can go back and relive Big Ben’s golden years.” 


Since NFL Game Pass is free, many sports fans are hoping the MLB, NBA, and NHL will follow in the same footsteps as the NFL and make their passes free for everyone to access. 


COVID-19 has taken away our sports and the NFL is doing a great thing by helping the typical sports loving American have some access to sports during this time. The NFL, unlike most sports, is continuing their normal routine as well. While most sports have come to a complete halt at this time, the NFL is continuing with free agency and still looks to have a draft this April. Whether this is right or wrong, the NFL has done their best during this time to continue to please the fans.


COVID-19 is a stressful time for our world. Many people are losing jobs and are worried about becoming very sick because of this disease. The NFL is helping pass the time by doing this small deed and giving access to some form of sports during this terrible time.