Oakdale Boy’s Indoor Track and Field

January 12, 2018
With a season that started November 15th, the Oakdale Indoor Boy’s Track and Field is ready to run hard, throw far, jump high, and WIN!!!! With four returning seniors and a copious amount of fast and strong juniors and sophomores, the team is coming in prepared.
Coach David Lillard described the team as “strong and young,” after they took 3rd place in the Dickinson College Invitational out of 30 teams with 14 runners and throwers. The Dickinson meet was just one meet among 3 others that the Bears fell short of first or second, but those finals didn’t put them down.
Every member of the team knows, “The harder they push themselves in practice, the higher they place and the more points they earn for the Bears” explained Coach Robert Davis.
Coach Davis said, “110% day in, leave it put there on the track or in the circle. Then tomorrow, or the next day, bring a different 110%”. Coach Davis also encouraged the throwers on Saturday, December 16th, 2017 during a pre-meet pep-talk. This is what they do, everyday they run harder and faster than the day before.
Throughout the past three years, Oakdale Boy’s Track has come points behind Oxon Hill at states. Now, that goal is still there, but a different mindset to get there has presented itself. Everyday has to be better than the last.
The team has taken that message to heart. With multiple PR’s every meet, and multiple members coming in the top 3, Oakdale Boy’s Indoor Track is becoming a young powerhouse. Throwers are also turning into key members to score points in meets.
Recently at the Mountain Express Invite, with only two days of practice, Oakdale came in 5th with 36 points. As it looks with their season, they have been in the top 4 teams participating in the meet.
Oakdale not having veteran sprinters or distance runners is a huge drawback for them, but being a young team, every member will be coming into their elements.
Looking forward to a victory at 2A states this February, Coach Lillard explained his view on the future of his team this coming year, “We’re young. But we’re strong. We are a hardworking team, and I believe that we are state championship team. So it all comes down to what we do in practice and how we transfer that effort and preparation into top place finishes at meets”.
So come on out to see them run, jump, and throw their way to victory on Saturday, January 20, 2017.