Oakdale Seniors Beat Juniors in Powderpuff Game
Senior girls and senior coaches pose after their win against the juniors.
December 5, 2022
A new and exciting event was brought to Oakdale this year; the seniors introduced a powderpuff game. Powderpuff games have been traditions at many high schools and universities for many years. The powderpuff game at Oakdale consisted of junior and senior girls playing flag football against each other. There were also junior and senior cheerleaders, refs, coaches, and people who helped set up the event.
A lot of work and organization put into creating the event. Seniors Hanna Snyder and Marleigh Klamert organized the event. Snyder stated, “The reason I wanted to do a powderpuff game at Oakdale was to get all the students together and just have a lot of fun. I also wanted to make all profits go to a good cause, that’s why it’s a food drive as well.”
Snyder and Klamert worked hard to set up the game. Klamert voiced, “We had to do a lot of planning with Ms. Mulcahy and it took a lot of different groups that I didn’t think about”.
Klamert added, “You also have to think about access to the fields, the food drive, making shirts for players, making posters to promote the game and getting on the announcements.
Snyder and Klamert weren’t the only ones that had to prepare, the junior and senior players also had to put in a lot of time and practice to get ready for the game. During practices both teams were running plays and routes to find the ones that would work for them.
Both teams played well and tried their best the entire game, but the seniors ended up on top with a score of 35-0. Senior players Gwen Ladd and Mikayla Carey both tried their best the whole game. Carey stated, “It was a lot of fun, I think we were all having a good time together.”
The seniors were having a lot of success at the game, they had a meeting at halftime about some things they could change. Ladd voices, “Nothing much, because what we were doing was working. We did actually switch a few people from offense to defense just for fun.”
The senior coaches, Josh Crummitt, Rory Blanchard and Evan Shultz were all very proud of how their team played: “We had all success, we scored every time we touched the ball on offense. Defense did great, we had two pick sixes that didn’t count as touchdowns.”
Players for the juniors, Caroline Savage and Milan Kneeland, tried their best to get their team ready, but it was tough, as they didn’t have any coaches at practices. At the game Kneeland stated, “We had 5 coaches come to the game but Jacob Jennings was the most helpful. He ran us our plays, cheered us on and made sure we were doing everything correctly.”
Even though the juniors never scored, Savage says, “I think we had a great work ethic and we all stayed together as a team even if we weren’t doing so well. All that matters in the end is that we all had fun and we all worked hard.”
The powderpuff Game was a great success and is a tradition that should be continued for the years to come here at Oakdale.