Oakdale Students Hooked on the New Fishing Club
Illustrated catfish by Carly Amoriell to represent the fishing club
October 7, 2022
Oakdale High School’s new Fishing Club is an opportunity to enjoy the sport of fishing and meet some new people. Students of all experience levels are welcome to join and learn more about fishing. Members aim to get involved in the community and make efforts to keep the water and environment clean, as well as learn about fish identification, water safety, techniques, and bait making. The club aims to meet during SET and after school.
While the club is advised by Kelly Rippeon, the students behind the club are Juniors Jakob Kolega and Cooper Vanscoyoc. When asked about why they created the club, Vanscoyoc stated, “Me and my friends really like fishing and we thought it would be fun to do and have in school.”
Kolega adds, “It was just something me and my buddies thought of and it would be fun.”
The Fishing club targets to get students to be more active. Vanscoyoc explains that he wants to “Get them outside. Something to look forward to after school if you like fishing.”
Kolega shares a similar sentiment, saying, “I think it will give them something to look forward to that will be fun.”
Many Oakdale students showed up to the first club meeting, which occurred in the cafeteria on Thursday, September 29th. When talking to members of the club, Nick Miller, another junior, explains his fishing experience, “I wouldn’t say I’m an experienced fisherman, been fishing for like 6 months.”
Miller found out about the club during the Oakdale club fair: “I found out about the club through Cooper. We were walking through the club fair and I saw Cooper and he was like ‘yo this is fishing club’. I fish a lot so I joined it.”
The Fishing Club gives an opportunity for people who are experienced and inexperienced at fishing to test their skills. Learn more about the sport, participate in helping the community, and meet new people. If you are interested in joining the Fishing Club, go talk to Kelly Rippeon about signing up.