Oakdale’s Muslim Student Assosiation
Pictured above is an illustrated “MSA” to represent the Muslim Student Association
December 8, 2022
The Muslim Student Association, or MSA, aims to educate students about Islam and Muslim culture. The MSA was created by Senior Izann Siddiqui and is being advised by Mr. Alvin Matute. The club currently consists of about 15 members and aims to meet every other Thursday. MSA is not restricted to only Muslims, anyone of any faith is welcome to join.
Those who are interested in Islam can learn more by joining the MSA. Siddiqui said that he is willing to help them learn more about Islam: “I have a lot of contacts of mine who are at religious places, which is called the mosque for Muslims, who can help guide them. They can also read the Quran and the translation. I have a English to arabic translation, where they can figure out more stuff about Islam, learn about it a little bit”
One of the main goals of the MSA is to answer questions and explain misconceptions people have about Isalm. Siddiqui explained, “We basically had discussions about if anyone has questions about the religion of Isalm and if they have misconceptions about it [the religion of islam],and I try my best to tell them or explain to them about the misconceptions and how they got that misconception.”
When asked what Siddiqui believes the biggest misconception surrounding Islam is, he answered, “People mix Islam and terrorism together. Those are two separate things. Islam is a religion of peace, the teachings in it is all peaceful.”
Javeria Miran, a freshman, is also a member of the MSA. Miran joined the MSA because she wanted to be in a club where she felt welcome as a Muslim. “We’ve talked about food once. We basically just answered questions, talk about Islam and that type of thing.”
Miran adds, “And answer misconceptions.” Miran agrees with Siddiqui that the biggest misconception surrounds Islam is that people unfairly see it as a terrorist’s religion.
Overall, the Muslim Student Association is a great place for people to learn and discuss Islam and Muslim culture. The MSA is a safe space for Muslims to find community here at Oakdale. If anyone has questions or is curious about Islam, the MSA is also a good resource.