Spirit Week

Grayson Raiford, Writer

During the week of October 4th, the week leading up to Homecoming, Oakdale students got to participate in Spirit Week, dressing up as different themes each day to show their school spirit.


This year’s themes were America Monday, where students wore their red, white, and blue, Bring it Back Tuesday, which is a throwback to old trends, Mathlete vs Athlete Wednesday, Disco Thursday, and Class Colors Friday, where each grade wears a specific color to prepare for the pep rally. 


This year student’s are wearing “a lot of fun t-shirts and pants” according to senior Ally Rice. 


Sophomore Brynn Ohlhoff described that most students “wear normal clothing that just fits the theme.”


While most students participated during the week, there were still some students that didn’t dress up. Sophomore Emily McEntire discussed that she, along with other students, had a hard time dressing up for certain days, like “Bring it Back Day” and “Disco Day.”


Rice added, “It was hard coming up with ideas for Disco Day but days like class colors and Mathlete vs athlete are easier, so more people have been dressing up for them.”


Rice also stressed how important it was to dress up during the week and show school spirit: “It’s important to dress up, and it’s something that more people need to do because it’s fun and it shows your Oakdale spirit.”


Other students, including Ohlhoff had similar thoughts, agreeing, “It’s important to participate in school activities and show that you care about your school.”


Overall, this year’s spirit week was a success with multiple fun themes that students got to participate in, resulting in a good outcome, showing Oakdale’s fantastic school spirit.