Climate Change is Affecting Our World

Climate change causes harmful pollutants to go into our atmosphere.
December 21, 2018
Climate change is a popular topic of conversation. Many people debate over its effects and what causes it, but what is climate change really?
Climate change has been a discussed issue in the US government since 1965 when the Advisory Committee of the President labeled it as a “real concern”. In 1989, the Prime Minister of the UK, Margaret Thatcher, warned the United Nations that the amount of carbon dioxide that was reaching the atmosphere has skyrocketed, and that will cause severe consequences; however, the level of greenhouse gasses continued to increase. In 1992, many developed countries met in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit. They agreed to return the number of dangerous greenhouse gasses to the level they were at in 1990. Despite the many efforts of developed countries to lower these levels, they did not stop rising. This was especially noticed in 2011.
Climate change is defined as the changes in our global climate. It is largely caused by increased amounts of fossil fuels being consumed. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that humans are the dominant cause of climate change since the 1950s.
The main thing that contributes to global warming is carbon dioxide emissions. These come from deforestation, biomass decaying, burning coal and oil such as electricity and driving a fuel powered car. Carbon dioxide is released from these activities and travels upward towards the atmosphere. It then prevents the heat from escaping the atmosphere. It has been proven that the average temperature of Earth has gone up 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit since late in the 19th century when humans began releasing more emissions and carbon dioxide.
The biggest issue with the increase of temperature on Earth is that the glaciers have begun to melt. This is resulting in a higher sea level. Many small islands are at risk of flooding or being completely covered by water because of this increase in temperature. Some other effects are droughts like the one in California that has resulted in severe and deadly wildfires.
Climate change is a global issue that will not be leaving anytime soon. One of the most obvious but hardest ways to stop climate change is ending our emission of greenhouse gasses, this is also known as mitigation. The other option would be to adapt to climate change.
Mildred Degboe, a ninth-grade student at Damascus High School, stated, “Climate change is an issue because it is rapidly changing earth as we know it and can quickly affect the quality of earth and our lives.” She went on to explain that she believes it is “being ignored by a large number of people and needs to be addressed seriously before it’s too late.”
Climate change is a global issue that will not be leaving anytime soon. One of the most obvious but hardest ways to stop climate change is ending our emission of greenhouse gases, this is also known as mitigation. The other option would be to adapt to climate change.
Reducing the sources of the gases that continue to do nothing but harm our environment is one of the easiest ways to decrease our effect on the atmosphere. This is possible by reducing our use of fossil fuels during electricity, gas or transportation.
Sydney Day, a Sophomore attending Oakdale High School, shares, “This is one of the most uncomplicated ways because all you have to do is turn off the light when you are leaving a room, unplug items when they aren’t in use and carpooling is also an excellent way to burn fewer fossil fuels.”
Another way to diminish our lasting effect for the next generation is by enhancing oceans, forest, and soils that accumulate and store these gases. Their goal is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system as well as stabilize greenhouses gas levels in a timeframe significant enough to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change. Also to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.
Adapting involves constantly adjusting to not just present day but the future climate. The goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the effects of climate change. It also encompasses making the best of any potential beneficial opportunities. We must all work together globally to reduce the effects of climate change.
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