by Tony Bianchini
On November, 27, 2013 America fell in love with Frozen from its loveable characters to its catchy songs, there is no way America could let it go. Frozen was extremely popular around the world, making over $400 million in the U.S. alone and $194 million dollars in Japan. Overall, the film grossed $1.219 billion, making it the top grossing animated film ever, and 5th highest grossing film of all time according to E news. Also, Frozen, won the 2014 Academy Award for Animated Feature.
After all of the popularity that Frozen gained, people begged for more. Now after 2 years of anxious waiting the “Frozen fanatics” finally get another movie. According to E news the new Frozen movie “Frozen 2” will come out some time in 2015.
“Dreams really do come 2!!! #FROZEN2 #itsoffical” Kristen Bell, voice of Elsa,stated via twitter.
The real question still remains: will Frozen 2 be as successful as the first one? Can it live up to all of the hype and expectations of the “Frozen fanatics”?