Oakdale Discusses Civility


Madelyn Wilson, writer

Photo Caption: Encouraging notes were spread throughout the building.


This past week, Oakdale participated in FCPS’ Civility Week. Civility Week is spent raising awareness about civility and kindness around the school system.


One way that awareness was spread was through editorials, which were read on the morning announcements. They covered topics such as the meaning of civility and how students can spread civility. Junior Brynah Hollingshead loved the editorials exclaiming, “It opened my eyes to a world of positivity!”


The Digital Communications class created a video for the announcements discussing the meaning of civility,which many students enjoyed. Junior Stella Zodet gave her definition of the meaning of civility stating, “It is simply being nice to everyone.”


“Civility is respecting others’ beliefs and opinions and just spreading love,” responded Senior Paul Hood when exploring civility.


Students at Oakdale continue to show knowledge of civility and demonstrate it during their daily life in school. Hood commented, “I hope to spread civility around the school by showing kindness to everyone I meet.”


Civility week has clearly impacted the school environment. Post it notes with positive messages such as “You are loved” were placed all over the school building in the hopes to lift spirits. The notes helped to create an uplifting environment, and made people know that Oakdale is a civil and welcoming school.


Hollingshead states, “The only way that school can truly be a successful place to learn and thrive is if everyone feels welcome and cared for. I believe Oakdale students do a wonderful job at this.”


All schools should have Civility Week. It is important for awareness to be raised about civility and its impact in not just school but in all environments. Discussing civility can impact students as they move on to college and future careers. A school’s goal should be to send intelligent and respectful people out into the world. This can be achieved if we all come together and choose love rather than hate.