As seniors get closer to their last couple of months of high school, many will start participating in more school events and activities. Some do this to make their final year feel special while others feel that they have accomplished a lot during high school and don’t need to make their last year more special. This leads to the question: Do seniors feel the need to make their last year more special?
Some students, during the year, partake in more activities to make it more memorable to them than their other years in high school. They go to more events like sports games, senior class events, dances, and plays. ”It’s the last year of being a kid. Once you hit 18, you’re an adult and have to start thinking like one even if you don’t act like it,” expresses senior Harley Cox.
This want to do more is usually because most people during the year have a much more relaxed schedule compared to previous years. “I think a lot of people want to make their senior year special because it’s the last chance they have to experience high school as a student. There’s this sense that after graduation, things change, and everyone goes their separate ways, so there’s a need to make memories with friends and leave with no regrets. Senior year has a feeling of finality that makes it stand out from all the other years,” notes Senior Avanti Selvakumar.
Others feel like they don’t need to make their final year more memorable because they have already. Some seniors that believe this have been able to attend more events throughout their high school years as freshmen, sophomore, juniors, and now in their current grade. “Between school and my extracurriculars I got a limited amount of time to do something that would be traditionally considered fun. And yes, it’s been super busy and very hard to balance everything I need to do. But the activities I’ve chosen are fun for me. I enjoy being in all of my clubs, playing my sports, and volunteering,” shares Selvakumar.
Overall, seniors differ when deciding if they are gonna make their last year more memorable. This decision mainly comes off of their own past experiences in high school and what they like to do with their time.