by Emily Koogle
How dare you. How dare you assume that you will automatically go to prom with your girlfriend of nine months, and that you don’t have to make a huge sign and buy chocolates and flowers. Wow, it’s crazy to think that you’d go with anyone besides her. So, on a more serious note, why are these phenomenons called ‘promposals’ necessary? Is it to show you actually care about asking, or is it for the next Instagram photo captioned “I said no” with a wide grinned emoji? Is it to become Twitter famous and think of the most incredible promposal yet?
Guys think they need to make this huge sign, buy all these gifts, and ask their almost prom date in the most extreme way possible. Why? Is there a particular reason why, or is it just needy girls wanting to show that their boyfriend cares?
“They’re cute,” Senior Kelli Thompson comments, “They can be funny, but sometimes it can be too much. It’s just prom, not a wedding proposal. Don’t waste a $100 just to ask a girl to prom. A simple flowers and a banner would suffice.”
Many girls see their over-the-top boyfriend’s going to the extreme for them, and many see it as a way to be different and stand out. As for social media standards, well of course you have to document the photo! I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for a good promposal, especially since I’m not one to talk when I gave a promposal myself
However, to actually expect one is a little much.
“I got one and I loved it,” Senior Kaitlyn Walsh, who had a promposal, as well. “Promposals can be a really sweet gesture when they’re done right, but some girls are way too picky,” she explains. “There is no need to make your boyfriend buy you a Michael Kors watch, but simple is just the way to go.”
As prom season is now in full swing, I don’t think that the promposals are actually getting less original, or I’m just tired of seeing them already. Whatever the case may be, I do like the fact that people are trying to be different and show some ounce of care that a lot of young people our age don’t tend to show anymore. May the odds be ever in your prom favor.