Girls Indoor Track Racing to a Start!
The girls track team after a meet in the fall season of 2021.
November 18, 2021
Girls indoor track is starting up and this team is very excited to show Oakdale what they’ve got this season.
Many of these girls have run together in cross country and earlier track seasons and for this season there will be some key runners to this team.
According to Kylie Mcglinchy, a Junior at Oakdale, “For the distance squad some of our key runners will probably be the same girls who ran varsity for cross country.”
She later goes on to say that these key runners will include the following juniors and seniors; Hailey Hallenburg, Caylin Walker, Sarah Anderson, Kayla Brightman, and herself. Ashley Turk, a sophomore at Oakdale, says these girls are all very hardworking, as is the rest of the team, and she is excited to “watch them run more personal records”.
This team will work their hardest this season, but why did they decide to join in the first place?
“I feel like I’m part of a community at meets,” Turk States.
“I always loved running. Thankfully, Oakdale High School has such a welcoming track team.”
In order to work hard and enjoy this sport, this team will be practicing as often as possible. When asked, Mcglinchy answers, “For distance we practice from 2:45 to 4:30(sometimes 5) every weekday and on Saturday when there isn’t a meet,”. Most meets will be at Hagerstown Community College, with a few exceptions of uncertainty for other team’s schedules.
In order to do their best this season each and every runner has made a goal to prepare and work for this season. One of Turks goals includes, “I plan to meet my goals by putting in the work at practice. I will also set goals before my races,”. This goal is very helpful to Turk because she has planned ahead of time to work hard for the sport she likes and is willing to do whatever it takes.
Mcglinchy adds on, “I’ll meet my goals this season by following the workouts and pushing myself at harder workouts,”. Mcglinchy’s goal is helpful and benefits her mindset to go as far as she has to in order to meet her goals.
Along with making goals for this season, this team also needs to be making smart decisions to prepare themselves for meets and competition. They will all be doing their best to be hydrated enough so they don’t get tired and dehydrated while running along with eating nutritious food that will benefit their conditions while running. Coaches and health coaches will be supervising to make sure these girls have the most successful and overall most enjoyable season.