The Oakdale Varsity Cheer Team has been a lasting legacy at Oakdale for years now. They are known for their crazy stunts, loud cheers, and most prominent, their insane school spirit. We can now answer the age-old question: How do they manage to keep spirits high and continue cheering for Oakdale so enthusiastically?
Sophomore Bella Michlinski has been on the Varsity cheer team for two years now, and it’s Junior year for Brooke Mihalko, a first year Varsity cheerleader. The main difference between JV and Varsity, according to Mihalko, “The varsity is a much bigger competition.” The cheerleading squad has always been known for their fierce competitiveness.
The day before football games can be very stressful for the Varsity cheerleaders. “The day prior is a lot, because we’re always talking about what we’re gonna do, what we’re wearing, and just a lot of preparations,” says Michlinski.
There’s also the anticipation of the first home game of the season, and it is always exciting for the people involved in the game. “The football games are what I’m really looking forward to the most,” Mihalko mentioned.
The team has great bonding techniques, as well. The summer before the season starts, they all head to Junior Captain Addy Danforth’s house for a pool party! Coming from Michlinski, it is apparently a tradition the cheer team has been doing for the past couple of years, and really helps bring them together. “We all become like one big friend group,” Mihalko shared.
In most sports teams, a good work habit is very important to succeed in the season, but the most important part is the attitude people put into it. According to Junior Catalina Toccalino, “Some characteristics that would be vital to a good season would be being motivational, a good team player and having a good attitude.”
There is a lot of fun chaos that goes on behind the scenes of a Friday night football game at Oakdale. “We have so much fun making the banner together, It’s a good team bonding experience . Planning stunts, pyramids, and tumbling passes for the different quarters can be stressful but in the end It’s really fun doing it all at the game and being able to see it all put together.” The Lady Bears have a lot of responsibility making the football games fun for all participants.
Overall, the Varsity Cheer Team goes through lots of preparation for the start of the football season, including fun things such as traditions, as well as difficult practices to help perfect everything . No matter how tough practices can be, the teammates always get through it with a smile on their faces, and are excited for the next game!