
Are you a Freshmen? How about a Sophomore? If so, watch this!

The National Math Honor Society and National Dance Honor Society are now accepting applications for new members.  Please visit the OHS website under the quick links tab and click the Content Honor Society link to access these applications.  The applications are due no later than October 31 at 2:30 pm in A203 (Ms. Watson’s room). See Ms. Watson with any questions or concerns!!!

In the first period contest for the food drive, Mrs. Smith’s class is in first place with 86 items, but Mrs. Cole’s class is only two items behind with 84.  Ms. Graziano’s class is in third place with 59; Ms. Bluman is in fourth with 43 and Dr. Schoder’s class is fifth with 34 items. There are two weeks remaining in the contest.  Remember that if your first period class is not participating in the drive, you are welcome to drop off items with Ms. Porter in Room A225.

Any students who are interested in joining the wrestling team this season are required to attend an informational meeting after school on Tuesday, October 22nd. It will be held in the wrestling room at 2:30. See Coach Wax if you have any questions.