Dumb Blondes Podcast – a look at Corono-Virus in London

Emma Hall and Shannon Roth


  • Say the dumb blondes podcast opener and ask each other how we both have been doing
  • Address that we are no longer in Florida living together 
  • Shannon can talk about what its been like being home a little bit – then jump right into the conversations 



  • Update the case and death stats 
  • Talk about how its been different being at home without each other
  • What we have been doing to pass the time recently – books, baking, walks, exercise – stuff like that 
  • What its been like starting off the new term still in online school – address the second push back of school opening 
    • Pass or Fail
    • how Trump defends the rallies – people can find more information about this on the Washington Post (Potentially Oakdale Post Connor McFarland’s ) 


Interviews – Kate 


-Whats the current state London is in? What’s closed? Do you see lots of people out? 

-What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? What are your favorite things right now? 

-How have things been since you’re living alone and so far away from your family?

-What are the major differences between England and America?

Linked articles as part of the discussion